Order Rejection Due to Disclosed Quantity Not Being Multiple of Lot Size

Why is my order rejected stating, "The disclosed qty for the symbol should be multiple of lot size (<set_variable>)"?

This rejection message occurs when the disclosed quantity of your order does not comply with the specified rules. Here’s a detailed explanation:
  1. Disclosed Quantity Rules:
  1. Equities (EQ): The disclosed quantity should be at least 10% of the order quantity and cannot exceed the order quantity.
  2. NSE Commodity (NCOM): The disclosed quantity should be at least 10% of the order quantity.
  3. Futures and Options (FNO): Disclosed quantity is not allowed.
  4. MCX: The disclosed quantity should be at least 25% of the order quantity.
  1. Multiple of Lot Size: The disclosed quantity must be a multiple of the lot size specified for the symbol. This ensures the order aligns with market regulations and trading practices.
For example, if you are placing an order for 1000 shares of a stock, the disclosed quantity should be at least 100 shares (10%) and should be a multiple of the lot size, e.g., if the lot size is 10 shares, disclosed quantity can be 100, 200, etc.