What are the different viewing modes of Symbol details and how can I switch between them?

What are the different viewing modes of Symbol details and how can I switch between them?

You can switch between different modes of viewing Symbol details by clicking on the icons that appear in the top right corner of each module. The modes are:
  1. Focused Mode: This is a default mode which shows compact view of each module in a card format. You can see only the most important or relevant information for each module in this mode. As it is a default view, you can access the focused mode as soon as you land on the Symbol details page.

  1. Expanded Mode: This mode shows you a more detailed view of each module in an expanded format. You can see more information and options for each module in this mode. To access this view, click on the '' icon available on the top right corner of the card.

  1. Pop-out Mode: This mode shows you a full-screen view of a single module in a focused format. You can see all the information and features for that module in this mode. To access this view, click on the '' icon available on the top right corner of the card.