Advanced Scale Options in Fyers App - User Guide

How to use advanced scale options on charts in Fyers App?

The TradingView chart in FYERS offers several advanced scale options to enhance your charting experience. These options include "Lock Price to Bar Ratio," "Scale Price Chart Only," "Invert Scale," and "Auto (fits data to screen)." Here’s how to use each of these features:

Lock Price to Bar Ratio:
  1. This option allows you to lock the ratio of price to bars (time axis).
  2. It's useful for maintaining a consistent visual perspective when scrolling through historical data.
  3. To activate it, right-click on the chart, select 'Settings,' and find the 'Lock Price to Bar Ratio' option.
Scale Price Chart Only:
  1. Use this feature to scale only the price chart, excluding indicators or other chart elements.
  2. It helps in focusing on price movements without distortion from other chart components.
  3. Enable this by right-clicking on the price axis and selecting 'Scale Price Chart Only.'
Invert Scale:
  1. This option inverts the price axis of the chart.
  2. It's particularly useful for viewing inverse relationships or for certain types of technical analysis.
  3. You can invert the scale by right-clicking on the price axis and choosing 'Invert Scale.'
Auto (fits data to screen):
  1. This automatic scaling option adjusts the chart to fit all visible data optimally within your screen.
  2. It ensures that all data, from indicators to price action, is easily viewable without manual adjustments.
  3. Activate it by clicking the 'Auto' button usually located near the scale settings on your chart.
Each of these options caters to different charting needs and preferences, enhancing your ability to analyze market trends and patterns effectively.