How to Cancel G-Sec, T-Bill, and SDL Orders on FYERS

How can I cancel my order for G-Secs, T-Bills, or SDLs on the FYERS platform?

If you need to cancel an order for Government Securities (G-Secs), Treasury Bills (T-Bills), or State Development Loans (SDLs) on FYERS, simply follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to Orders: Upon logging into Fyers Debt Market , go to the 'Orders' tab and Identify the order you wish to modify — it should be marked as 'In process'.

  1. Cancel Your Order: Click on the 'Cancel order' option for the selected order and then click on 'Confirm Cancel' to submit the changes.

After confirming, your order will be cancelled. A notification or confirmation of the cancellation should be visible immediately or within a few moments, depending on the platform's response time.