Can I customize the products and order preferences in InstaOptions?

Can I customize the products and order preferences in InstaOptions?

Yes, you can customize your order preferences in Fyers InstaOptions platform according to your trading style and risk appetite. Here are the steps to do so:
  1. Login to InstaOptions and click on your profile available in the right hand corner of the InstaOptions page.
  1. Go to Setting and you’ll find a significant customization options such as:
Price Type
Close Price / Open Price
Choose whether to calculate your positions based on the closing price or the opening price of the scrip/contract
Margin Benefit (MB)
MB (Yes) / MB (No)
Choose whether to place buy orders first to get margin benefit or place orders randomly
Product Code
Choose the product code for your orders: Margin Intraday Square-Off, Cash and Carry, or Normal/Carryforward
Product Type
Limit / MKT / SL / SL-M
Choose the product type for your orders: Limit, Market, Stop Loss, or Stop Loss Market
Choose whether to place orders that are valid for the day or immediate or cancel
Choose the lot size for your orders

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